hayden reid

Hayden Reid

Electrical Engineer

With L&S Engineering since 2023

BS in Electrical Engineering, Eastern Washington University, 2022

I have been looking forward to beginning my career in Electrical Engineering since I decided on that path. As a recent graduate, I am very excited to be with L&S Engineering and even more excited to solve challenging engineering problems.

I value team interaction, it’s a great way to bounce ideas off of each other and work together to solve problems. In my short time at L&S so far, I can tell that’s exactly how we operate, and I’m thrilled to be a part of the team.

When I’m not at work, you can find me on a body of water fishing! If I’m not there, then I’m either on a golf course or in the woods. Really anything to get me outdoors and I’m game, rain or shine. Also, my girlfriend and I have a Golden Retriever, Baker, that is always a joy to be around and play with.